About our partners
Surfpop is stoked with its partners, sponsors and friends, without which Surfpop could not realise its program and its dreams! We are always looking for new partners. Are you a business, then your sponsorship will be matched with good exposure and marketing for your brand. As each relationship is unique, we would love to discuss the details with you. Please reach out to Daniel at
Surfpop and Importers Coffee
The South African coffee brand Importers Coffee is our sponsor for all new surfboards and wetsuits for the Surfpop beneficiaries. This video shows the stoke and excitement on the children’s faces when they got their new shaped surfboards! We are incredibly grateful to have Importers Coffee as a sponsor, providing all new beneficiaries with gear as Surfpop continues to grow.
Launch VideoSurfpop and Esprit
Our friendship with the international clothing brand Esprit began at the start of 2019. Esprit, together with artist Marti Lund, facilitated a beautiful art workshop for the Surfpop children. After a successful workshop, Esprit decided to support nine girls to join Surfpop for a full year!
Launch Video